Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Living Stress Free

Scruffy, the affectionate nickname for my former significant other, told me that he wanted his life to be totally stress free. I told him that if he really wanted to be involved with me, with any woman, there would be stress. It is part of the human condition.

Of course, I do tend to create stress where there should be none. Lately I have been obsessing over vegetables. I become stressed over whether I will be able to cook them before they rot. I could just get frozen vegetables, but they never seem to have ones that I like.

Tonight as I was realizing that I didn't feel like cooking I tried to come up with a plan for preparing everything before it went bad. As I did this, I realized I don't get half as obsessive over the cancer. In fact, most of the time I rarely think about it. This may change when I find out more information, but for right now I am enjoying stressing over tomatoes and asparagus, and two dollars worth of snow peas and broccoli.

1 comment:

  1. Stress free! Try living in a bubble. But seriously, it is good to know that someone else stresses over the little things like I do (but not to diminish your concerns!). I guess we're family or something. ;-)
