Towards the end of the test when my nerves were just about shot from the banging and the straining not to move, they played Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C Sharp Minor. The prelude has a special meaning for me. During my youth, I tried for years to master the piece until I finally acknowledged that my fingers were just not long enough. In this instance I was transported back to my piano and imagined struggling with each of the notes that, unlike my feeble attempts, were played so expertly in the headphones that did little to block the crashing sounds of the MRI.
The tech's who had administered the test pulled me out and praised me for my patience and fortitude. I didn't want to admit that it wasn't me but Rachmaninoff and his prelude.
Just another example of how wonderful things can happen under the worst circumstances. Thank you Rachmanifnoff :) Music makes everything better :)