My friends warned me that with a compromised immune system and weakened lungs, I would be a target for every germ within a 100-mile radius. So, it was inevitable, because everyone I encountered the week before had a cold, was getting over a cold, or felt themselves coming down with one. While I suppose that makes sense, it wasn't what I had anticipated. I feel that I have lost a year of my life and am anxious to make up for that lost time, personally and professionally. But little setbacks keep cropping up that inhibit my progress.
I suppose I should be grateful for the progress I have made and believe me, it is substantial, but I know there is so much more to overcome. Right now, my first goal is to be able to walk 1/10 of a mile by April 6. That is the distance from my hotel to the conference site in New Orleans. The good news is that at its current rate of growth, I won't have to worry about messing up my hair. Well thats one thing off my mind.
You will LOVE New Orleans! One of my favorite places to go. Have been to several conferences there and always enjoyed it!