Sunday, May 9, 2010


On Friday, May 7th, I was officially told I had breast cancer. The doctor, who is by the way kind of a saint, explained everything in minute detail and mapped out my treatment plan. In less than 2 weeks I will begin 8 treatments of chemotherapy followed by surgery and then we'll go from there.

I got a break for lunch and then spent the afternoon scheduling the multitude of appointments that follow. By the time I got home that evening I was exhausted, so friends, my blog remained quiet for two days. I have wanted this blog to remain light and to see the humor of what I'm going through, but that hasn't been easy, until I did my research.

The subtype of breast cancer I have is called triple-negative, basal something or other. Several of my friends researched this as well, and we all uncovered the same fact, this genetic form of cancer is most frequently seen in pre-menopausal African-American women. I am neither pre-menopausal or African-American. My mother always tells me that I get the weird diseases and when I shared this with Dr. Saint, he concurred.

On Thursday, I said I wanted to know, and now I do and now I have an idea of what I'm facing. There will be moments, maybe even days when I fail to find the humor, so forgive me, but don't say you weren't warned.


  1. Hang in there kid, and know that you have friends who are praying for you and who will be there if you need anything. Just let me know and I will be there, even if all you need is someone to rant at or a shoulder to cry on. You are very special to me and many more. love you Babe! Guy

  2. Stay positive, are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. I'm sort of feeling like I would like to go back to Thursday...limbo doesn't sound so bad now. But know how much I love you and how prepared I am to support you in every way. We'll get through this like we get through all your other weirdnesses! :)-Kid

  4. There is a Shining Star (hero or heroine), a Victim, and a Bad Person in most operas. Come to think of it, most Congressional hearings have those characters!

    Maybe one way to handle to visualize yourself as one of the three characters...maybe rotate roles from one to the other on each day. And give this...thing...a different role each day.

    And to carry the metaphor FAR more than it should be, just imagine all the people in the audience who are helping you. We'll sing with you (in my case, that's blessedly only figuratively), and be in despair with you, and skulk with you....

    It's great that the opening scenes have begun!
