Sunday, May 2, 2010


Dante identified Limbo as the first circle of hell. Limbo was for those not quite good enough for heaven (unbaptized infants, pagans who had never heard of Christ) but not quite bad enough to deserve the higher more tortuous circles of hell which were reserved for the real sinners: adulterers, murderers, people who wear white shoes after Labor Day. Dante says there are no real tortures in Limbo, only sadness and despair.

I am in Limbo. Everything I do is tinged with sadness, but even more frustrating is whenever I think of making any kind of decision or plan, I always end it with, I'll decide that after Friday. It's an uncomfortable existence that thousands before and after me face so I know I am not unique, odd, but not unique. I wish all this could have been taken care of in April, I hate tinging a whole new month with this business.

But it could be worse. I could be in another circle of hell, the one where they make you watch football and eat Cheetos. I actually prefer despair.

1 comment:

  1. That last circle of hell sounds utterly unbearable. You are such a good writer. At least this month, I get to come visit. xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxox
